Search Engines Positioning: What is the Perfect Alchemy?

Placing a website on search engines to increase visibility and consequently visits. This is one of the goals of anyone who has an online presence, as well as of all those who work in the SEO field.

Almost all of the web searches, at least in Western countries, pass through Google. And then it is with it, that you have to deal with when you want websites to be found online.

But what does search engines positioning technically mean? What is the real truth behind this formula?


What does it mean to position a site on search engines?

When we talk about an indexed site, we indicate a site that is present in Google’s results; we still don’t know where but it is present.

A newly built site needs a few days to be included in search engine results: once this happens, we are still far from being able to celebrate success by uncorking bottles of champagne. Google has just considered us in its results, but we don’t know where yet.

Here is the difference between indexing and positioning: a site once launched on the network is digested and then indexed by Google. Then begins the work of SEO to try in all ways, legitimate and sometimes even less legitimate, to improve the positioning of the site itself and to bring it as high as possible.


How to position a site on search engines?

Obviously a perfect recipe does not exist. If there was a magic formula, be assured, no one would come to tell us or sell it. So where is the truth?

The concept is that SEO is a difficult sector. You can approach or put in place all the so-called best practices recommended, but none of these will lead us with absolute security to reach the first position on the front page on search engines (i.e. on Google).

So, what are these good practices for positioning a site?


Seo techniques to place a site on search engines

First of all, the website itself.

It is essential that it is well implemented and follows all the good rules, from a streamlined structure to easy to navigate to a virtuous approach, which does not confuse the user and does not encourage him to abandon navigation. Maximum attention then to loading speed, a determining factor in creating an SEO friendly site.

Also the content needs to be optimized. Just as a painting must have an optimal frame, it being understood that what matters is the canvas inside, so even a site must have a clean and effective structure as a starting point, but then the content takes over.


The importance of external links

Fundamental for the positioning of a site on Google are also the links coming from outside. Backlinks are acquired when other sites decide to cite ours as they consider it a reliable source on a given theme.

To give an example, if someone wanted to write a post related to a specific subject on his blog, he could mention one of the many posts available and focus on that particular niche. In this way, that site would be seen as reliable on the web writing theme and would become important.

A concept that in recent times is becoming more present, seen that all the latest algorithms released by Google, especially those of 2018, are aimed at rewarding sites that have greater authority to talk about a given theme. In essence, the search for quality continues and the serp are refined.

When we talk about external links, it is almost inevitable to fall into concepts and words that are often trite and broken like article marketing, link building or earning links. Three different ways to acquire links, some natural, others much less.


The search engine positioning factors

Whatever the path you follow to get links, the fact is that having a backlink profile of some importance is an undeniable positioning factor: the concept is that the best links are those acquired naturally. And here we come back to talk about earning links.

Again, we must go back to the importance of texts, because to get natural links from other sites the only way to follow is to propose high quality content, interest and originals to the point that other sites will be willing, voluntarily and without any payment, to share and publish them.


What has been described so far is obviously a hint, a slight smattering of what needs to be done to best position a site on search engines; the positioning factors on the other hand are multiple and vary continuously according to Google indications.