6 Best Benefits of Utilizing Managed IT Services

Once, the established practice for businesses was to build an in-house IT team to manage the business’s IT needs. But this practice is in decline. More businesses are turning to IT services to monitor their networks, backup data, host their email, manage their CRM and ensure they are up to date with industry tech regulations.  

If you are a business owner, you may want to follow suit and look into subcontracting your IT operations to a service provider. Here are the six ways it can benefit your business. For more information and IT services Miami, click the link.   


It Boosts Productivity

Every year, IT issues cost companies across the country $265 billion in lost revenue. This adds up every time your internet drops out, or your network is down. A single company uses an average of $150,000 annually from technical issues like these.  

A specialized IT service provider monitors your network 24/7. It will quickly detect an issue and work to fix it before your employees miss out on hours of work due to a downed network. They also stay on top of network maintenance operations, reducing the likelihood of you encountering an issue in the first place.  


Get the Best Talent Working on Your IT Solutions

There is a shortage of IT talent globally. Filling cybersecurity and development positions with the best industry talent has become difficult. Many companies use a managed IT service to harness the expertise and talent an IT service provider has access to, instead of finding their own. 


Reduced Infrastructure Costs  

By using a managed IT service provider, companies can downsize the IT infrastructure they keep on site. Service providers have their own data centres. Businesses no longer have to invest in on-site data storing solutions, and the additional maintenance costs they incur.  


It Promotes Growth  

If your business has an in-house IT department, using an outside IT management service will free up their time to focus on efforts to expand and enhance the business. They can streamline working practices and explore new solutions instead of spending their days troubleshooting and managing issues and problems.  


More Scalability  

IT management services are accustomed to working with large businesses and have the capabilities to rapidly expand your IT solutions. This allows your business to scale up as quickly as demand allows. There is no more waiting for your in-house IT team to increase IT capabilities before expansion. 


Fixed Monthly Costs  

A managed IT service has a fixed monthly price, regardless of the technical issues your business encounters and how much support it needs. This helps businesses budget more effectively and allows for more accurate projections than managing an in-house IT team which may need additional financial resources if they come up against persistent issues one month.  


These six benefits are prompting more businesses to make the transition to a managed IT service provider. Businesses are saving an average of 40% of their IT and infrastructure costs by transitioning and are doubling their operational efficiency. It is as close as you can get in the business world to a “no-brainer”.