3 Top Tips to Boost Your Online Traffic

It is estimated that more than 380 websites are created every minute and a sizeable portion of these are intended to promote specific products or services. In other words, competition is rife. Are you hoping to increase click-through rates or to cater to a wider online audience base? If so, it is critical to appreciate the ways in which you can boost the levels of inbound traffic to your website. Let’s take a few moments to list three sure-fire tactics that are nearly certain to produce quantifiable results without forcing you to spend beyond your current financial limitations. 


The Power of Flash Video Presentations  

There are many reasons why traditional television advertisements are still going strong in these modern times. The simple fact is that humans are very visual creatures, and they tend to respond quite well to information presented in such a manner. Thus, it stands to reason that embedded videos will play an influential role throughout your ongoing marketing campaign. While visitors may not have the time or patience to read large blocks of text, they are usually much more open to watching a short video; particularly when accessing your portal from a hands-free device. This is especially relevant for those who might be using a mobile device to discover what you have to offer. Videos will boost inbound traffic while helping to enhance your SERP rankings.  


Webinar Presentations

It is always important to interact with your audience. Not only will this help to build brand loyalty over time, but it is also a great way to attract new website visitors. This is why the power of webinars should never be taken lightly. Such sessions are the equivalent of a digital “handshake” if it is otherwise impossible to meet your followers in person. There are several benefits attributed to these virtual liaisons, including:

  • The ability to actively promote a product or service. 
  • You can obtain valuable feedback from new and existing clients. 
  • Any issues with an ongoing marketing campaign can be brought to light in a constructive and interpersonal manner. 

A final benefit of webinars is that they are not limited to geographical distance. You can communicate with attendees who might be located thousands of miles away. Additionally, these sessions can be recorded and sent to followers at a later date via email if some individuals were unable to participate due to time constraints.  


Modern SEO Tactics  

We are all aware that the notion of search engine optimization continues to reinvent itself on an annual basis, and 2020 is certainly no different. This is why keeping one step ahead of the curve is critical. Experts such as Neil Patel note that times have indeed changed. One of the most important concepts to embrace involves increasing the loading speeds of your web pages. The average visitor is no longer willing to wait for a page to display correctly; he or she will look elsewhere. If you happen to have several high-definition images embedded throughout your website, it is a good idea to compress them into a format that can support fast loading times. Analyze your current page loading speeds to determine whether or not this issue presents a problem for the average visitor.  


Boosting your online traffic is critical if you hope to interact with your audience while augmenting your ROI. Each of these methods is relatively easy to implement, and yet they are able to produce viable results within a relatively short time period. The digital landscape does indeed represent a brave new world.