Stop Writing Boring Social Media Posts! 10 Tips On How To Do Your Post Exciting

If a writer doesn’t write according to the rules or doesn’t get creative enough, there is a high chance that their social media posts will be boring. There is a way to do it and the professionals will stop at nothing less than that. Those who have mastered writing skills can be a lot helpful to anyone who wants to write great social media postsGoing by the set rules and guidelines will prove to be very instrumental for anyone who wants to excel at what they are doing. Here are 10 useful tips to make your post exciting for the readers…  


1. Research before you write

Set aside some time to find out ideas of what to write about. Take a good look at what other people have been doing and consider how your writing will enhance the same outlook and be unique at the same time. Ideally, it is important to have ideas about what kind of information is required for social media before posting anything! 


2. Know The character Limits

Some social media platforms like Twitter have outright character limits. It is unlikely that you will able to write more than 140 characters on twitter. Having realized that, it is important to pass your information within those limits otherwise your content won’t make sense. The rest may or may not have limits but it’s important to keep it short and precise. 


3. Customize for each Network

Each of the various social media networks has certain expectations from the audience. For example, images are key for Instagram and Pinterest among other platforms. Therefore, make good use of your visual and text content based on the platform you intend to post to. The same message will, therefore, be posted in different formats based on where the posting will be done.  


4. Establish a Good Tone for the Posts

The tone of your posts will either attract or send away readers. Therefore, learn how to write in a way that engages your audience. Don’t impose things on them. Provide information and allow them to make their own decision and discretion about your writing. Readers should not feel compelled to act out of coercion! 


5. Ensure they are well optimized

To write interesting posts, ensure you find out what people are looking for. This way, you will be in a position to get keywords for use in your posts. Your content will be meaningful to your readers if they find out you have posted something that is of interest to them. Therefore, optimization is key for appealing posts.  


6. Provide Answers and Solutions

Every time you want to write, think of creating an impact. If you are ever asking questions instead of providing answers and solutions, people will get tired of such content. However, they will be moved to read your posts if they realize they will learning something from them. In that case, make your posts helpful to your audience 


7. Learn how to Engage

Make your posts interactive. Allow calls to actions in the content. Let readers know what to do after reading the posts. If it is a solution you are offering, let them know where they can find it. The help you are offering at the end is of equal importance. Allow readers to comment directly and respond to them to bring life to the posts.  


8. Enhance your Creativity

Be creative. Don’t write about the same thing over and over again. Make your posts captivating to read. Use appealing words to the reader. The first few words of your few words will create an impression of what the reader will expect. In that case, use your creativity to make the reader want to move on to the next sentence.  


9. Give yourself Time in Between Posts

Take breaks in between your writing. If you keep writing and posting a lot of posts every now and then, the quality of your writing will most likely go down. As a result, your readers will sense the boredom in the posts and start to shy away from them. In that case, take time to reflect before doing another post 


10. Respond to your Readers 

Instead of always coming up with new topics, readers’ comments and feedback can help you make exciting posts from them. Learn to draw topics for your posts from your readership. That way, they will know that you value their input in what you are wiring and will be interested to keep up with the reading.  


Final Remarks

Being a good social media writer is about getting the skills that are needed and writing meaningful posts. You should write with the reader in mind. Relate with them through your choice of words and most importantly, make it short and precise. No one wants to keep reading long posts even if there is room to do that on some platforms!