Startup & Digital PR: 5 Simple Tips for Effective Communication

Every brand has a story. Even a startup has its content of novelty and innovation.

Telling that story to your audience can become a strategic asset of growth and success for your brand.

The new frontiers of communication provide you with valuable tools to realize that : social media, blogs, forums.

Often, however, they are not sufficient for the development of brand awareness, so the use of traditional media is necessary if you want your story reaches the general public and potential investors quickly in the best possible way.

Here are 5 simple tips dedicated to startup in order to maximize media coverage.


1. Synthetic and convincing

If you are an entrepreneur, you are used to prepare an elevator pitch, a synthetic and convincing speech to approach to new investors.

Similarly, when it comes to the media, both traditional and digital, you must be able to tell your story in 500 words or in the 90 seconds of a television service.

The professionals are obviously used to adapt the stories to the needs of the medium, but time is precious, so the more you will make the life easier to your audience, the more your users will listen you!

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2. Become an expert

Many journalists are looking for stories to tell and new and interesting content to enrich what they’re working on.

Positionate yourself as the expert in your field of business and grow your startup focusing on personal branding through social media .

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3. Be punctual

Although the world of journalism are in line with breaking news and events in real time, professionals tend to plan well in advance services related to traditional events.

If, for example , you want to put your brand in a service on the best Christmas gifts , contacting the editors in September to November would already be too late!


4. Insist with discretion and intelligence

The world of journalism has tightened times and journalists often work under pressure.

Do not give up, but at the same time be sure to not make dozens of harassing calls or send avalanche of emails.

You need to be be patient and wait your turn with discretion and intelligence.


5. You do not need a media list

Media list management software such as Vocus and Cision can be very useful for companies of considerable size.

It is difficult, however, that a newborn business  is able to invest substantial sums in such operations.

Twitter can be a viable alternative to use in order to locate journalists, bloggers and opinion leaders interested in sharing your story.

Be sure to consider also other social networks, such as Facebook or Google Plus!


What do you think?

How do you communicate with your audience?

Do you have more hints go add to this list?

Please share your thoughts in the comments below, thanks!

Image courtesy of KROMKRATHOG at